Understanding Classes of Dog Breeds pt. 2

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd


Australian Cattle Dog

German Shepherd

Herding dogs were bred to gather, herd and protect livestock on farms. Herding dogs are sometimes confused with working class dogs, and for the right reason, as they used to be classified together until the 1980’s. This confusion sometimes occur because German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois can often be seen working with the police force, and are used commonly in protection training. Herding dogs are agile creatures who bask in the ability to chase relentlessly towards their tasks, whichever task they may be trained for. You must have a strong understanding of these breeds if you own them, because they can be smart in naughty ways if not stimulated correctly.

Understanding Classes of Dog Breeds (Pt. 1)

Sporting Dogs

Two of the top 5 most common breeds registered through the AKC is Golden Retrievers & Labrador Retrievers. It says it in their name, “Retriever.” These breeds were bred to help their human partners fetch small game while hunting.

Golden Retrievers, specifically, seem to fall short of their instinctual nature. Most of their owners don’t need help retrieving small game from them, but more-so enjoy the loving, loyal nature that they provide the family.

German Short Haired Pointers, on the other hand, are an excellent balance between an alert hunting companion, affectionate hiking partner and family member.

Labrador Retrievers are truly a man’s best friend. Family dogs to their core, excellent retrieving ability and always looking for their next dose of fun.